VIDEO SHOOTING by Machiko Ozawa

I had an amazing day in Philadelphia to make my music video! Special thanks to awesome crew, Edan and Will on the rooftop.ミュージックビデオの撮影でフィラデルフィアに行ってきました!素晴らしいクルーEdan とWillに感謝!

I had an amazing day in Philadelphia to make my music video! Special thanks to awesome crew, Edan and Will on the rooftop.

ミュージックビデオの撮影でフィラデルフィアに行ってきました!素晴らしいクルーEdan とWillに感謝!

NOWfest: Tango Night! - with New Orchestra Of Washington at OAS by Machiko Ozawa

I played Piazzolla's four seasons of Buenos Aires with New Orchestra of Washington at OAS (Organization of American states) in DC. I had a great time to play with them! The Ambassadors of both countries, Mexico and Argentina attended in this concert.

ワシントンDCのOAS(米州機構)という素晴らしい場所で、New Orchestra of Washingtonというグループとピアソラの四季を演奏しました。メキシコとアルゼンチンの大使もいらしてくださり、私としては、両国にとても近しい気持ちなので思い出深い経験になりました。

Turkish Ambassador's Residence by Machiko Ozawa

I played at Turkish Ambassador's Residence in DC. It is truly a beautiful venue and I enjoyed very much playing with a wonderful jazz pianist, Ayako Shirasaki.DCにあるトルコ大使公邸でタンゴのリサイタルをしました。とても素敵な内装で感激しました。ジャズピアニストの白崎彩子さんがニューヨークから共演しに来てくれました。とても楽しく演奏でき…

I played at Turkish Ambassador's Residence in DC. It is truly a beautiful venue and I enjoyed very much playing with a wonderful jazz pianist, Ayako Shirasaki.
